News from Partnerships

ZTM Warsaw working to protect buses from terror attacks
ZTM Warsaw together with 4 partners of the EU-funded SAFEBUS project presented their actions in a webinar today to the attention of EMTA members. The goal of the project is to create an Internet platform integrating solutions for the prevention of terrorist attacks, as well as training materials and procedures, online courses and an e-learning

400 data sharing ecosystems exist within the EU in the mobility sector
Halfway through its implementation, PrepDSpace4Mobility has successfully achieved its first objective of creating an inventory of European data ecosystems. An inventory of almost 400 data sharing initiatives was created by mapping existing data ecosystems in the mobility and logistics sector. 229 of those are available to be explored on an interactive map on the project’s

Unleashing the Potential of Public transport in Europe as the backbone of urban mobility: UPPER has launched!
UPPER is a new project funded under the Horizon Europe Program of the European Commission and coordinated by the International Association of Public Transport (UITP). It aims to lead the transition towards a zero-emission mobility which will become the cornerstone of climate neutrality by 2030, in line with the goal of Cities Mission and the

Zahraa Jawad is appointed EMTA Project Officer
The EMTA Secretariat is delighted to announce the recruitment of Zahraa Jawad as Project Officer from February 2023. Zahraa is a Dutch national with an MSc in Urban Public Administration (2020) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She comes with a 2-year experience in public transport planning with Vervoerregio Amsterdam. Fascinated by cities, Zahraa is keen

EMTA is happy to support the next European Zero Emission Bus Conference that will take place on 07-08. April 2020 in Paris (France).
As with the previous editions of the conference, held in Cologne in 2018 and London in 2016, the Paris ZEB conference will focus on the solutions and challenges of decarbonising the bus industry. Over the two days of the conference, 400 stakeholders including bus operators, major industry players, and local and international policy makers, will

Green deal, need for clean bus market evolution
EMTA and Polis with regards to the clean bus deployment as part of a future Green Deal for the EU sent on December 4 a letter to mr Frans Timmermans – EU Vice-President and Commissioner for sustainability – and mrs Adina-Iona Valean – Commissioner for Transport.

POLIS & EMTA Interview – Overcoming Public Sector Challenges to MaaS: Build the Public Private Partnerships to Make MaaS a Reality
This article was produced in conjunction with IMPACT>MOBILITY taking place this June in Amsterdam on June 24-25. You can download the interview in PDF below interview.pdf Mobility as a Service is set to revolutionize the sustainability efficiency and convenience of transportation systems. However, to make this a reality it is imperative that public and private