
Secretariat For Public Transport
Gradska uprava grada Beograda
27. marta 43-45
1050 Belgrade
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Basic information
Name of the public transport authority: City of Belgrade, City Administration, Secretariat for Public Transport (SfPT)
Name of the PTA in local language: Grad Beograd, Gradska uprava, Sekretarijat za javni prevoz
Geographical area: City of Belgrade
Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.7 million
Ticketing: There is a tariff policy department in the Secretariat for public transport. PUK (“Payment for transport services Belgrade”), a company founded on 13 April 2023, deals with the sale and collection of tickets, as well as the ticket inspection in the territory
Private operators are tendered, while a direct award is made with PUC GSP “Belgrade” and for railway traffic.
Rolling stock and depot ownership: The operators own the rolling stock and the depots.
Public transport planning:
SfPT is in charge of planning all public transport (including taxis).
Marketing of public transport: SfPT participates independently and in cooperation with other institutions in promoting public transport.
Passenger information: SfPT organises passenger information at all public transport stops, SfPT website and in the Belgrade Plus application. For the technical support of these activities, SfPT has a contract with different companies (eg development and maintenance of apps).
Organisational model
City department
The City of Belgrade is a separate territorial unit, in which the citizens run the local self-government. The City Administration performs administrative affairs in the scope of rights and responsibilities of the City of Belgrade and certain professional tasks required by the City Assembly, Mayor and City Council. The Secretariat for Public Transport as a part of the city administration is in charge for public transport.
Transport service contracting
Procured by the PTA: urban buses, regional buses within the PTA, commuter trains, trams, electric vehicles for transportation in the pedestrian zone (Vrabac servis)
Current developments
As of 2024:
- Metro construction project
- Public transport development strategy