POLIS & EMTA Interview – Overcoming Public Sector Challenges to MaaS: Build the Public Private Partnerships to Make MaaS a Reality

  • Updated16 May 2019
  • News

This article was produced in conjunction with IMPACT>MOBILITY taking place this June in Amsterdam on June 24-25.

You can download the interview in PDF below


Mobility as a Service is set to revolutionize the sustainability efficiency and convenience of transportation systems. However, to make this a reality it is imperative that public and private stakeholders come together.

2019 is the year where Europe’s biggest cities are piloting major projects, regulating mobility and selecting long-term MaaS technology and operating partners.

IMPACT>MOBILITY will unite 200+ mobility decisions makers in 1 room to find a win-win between the sustainability aims of the public sector and the commercially driven private sector. Build partnerships and move towards a scalable model for mobility as a service.

An Agenda Designed to Transform Urban Mobility:

  • Accelerate the Mobility Data Marketplace: Expand the ecosystem (e.g. retailers, tourism, cities,) through strategic partnerships to increase monetization of mobility data whilst delivering actionable insights that enable seamless urban transportation -* Deliver Seamless Mobility as a Service: Integrate platforms (e.g. micromobility, public transit) and develop new partnerships to deliver a truly multimodal mobility solution serving the needs of the connected consumer
  • Smart Public Transportation for Smart Cities: Leverage connectivity and open APIs to deliver real time service updates and seamless payments resulting in a superior mobility proposition that pushes drivers out of their own cars
  • Supercharging E-Mobility: Propagate charging infrastructure, utilise smart grid tech and integrate EVs into shared fleets to drive adoption and enable cities to reach ambitious sustainability targets
  • Final Destination – The Last Mile: Harness the power of mobility data (e.g. mapping, congestion etc) to optimise routes, reduce cost of service and deliver sustainable express solutions whilst meeting the needs of the ‘prime’ consumer

5 Reasons Why You Need to Attend Europe’s Only Conference Confronting the Business, Data & Partnership Realities of Mobility:

  1. Get Inside Mobility Monetisation Strategies – Despite some huge valuations and major IPOs, there’s yet to emerge a sustainable long-term business model for monetising mobility services. From e-hailing to micromobility, unpick the mobility business models to uncover sustainable revenue opportunities
  2. Build Public/ Private Partnerships Today – They Can’t Wait…2019 is the year where Europe’s biggest cities are piloting major mobility projects, regulating selecting long term partners to build MaaS. Waiting until 2020 is not an option. Meet 50+ of Europe’s municipal mobility gatekeeps under one roof!
  3. Move Beyond the Hype to Scalability with Real-World Mobility Case Studies – Hear from 10+ exclusive case studies direct from companies and cities building mobility services on the group. Get key insights from real world deployments to see what’s worked and the challenges faced. Don’t make the mistakes others have already made
    -” Learn from Mobility Service Providers and Automakers – With ViaVan, VW, Lime, Bird, Moovit, Meep, Scoot, Toyota – to hear pioneering mobility and data monetization strategies. Remember, with the auto business model turned upside down, yesterday’s competitors could be tomorrow’s collaborators!
    -” Not Another Trade Show! An in-depth 2-day conference program tackles the fundamental business model challenges faced by automakers as they evolve to become mobility providers. This isn’t about big picture trends. It’s about the realities of building and monetising mobility

Register your place at IMPACT>MOBILITY today to secure a better price and join 200+ mobility leaders in Amsterdam

Luke James
Director & Head of content | Impact