News from the Cities

DELFI : a national door-to-door
The DELFI system, that aims to provide doorto- door travel information for public transport users in whole Germany, was launched in 1996 by the German Ministry of transport in co-operation with the Länder (regions). A first version of the system was officially presented on 28th June. Instead of being a new countrywide journey planner, DELFI

London will invest €4.5 billion into public transport infrastructures over the next 5 years
The British government released on 20th July its White Paper about the future of Transport in the UK by 2030. This document, in line with the Spending Review for 2004/2009, supports the Business Plan of Transport for London of almost €4.5 billion of capital investments for the coming 5 years. This announcement is good news

The French State will withdraw from public transport organisation in Paris (Ile-de-France)
The French Parliament adopted on 30th July a law on devolution of powers from the State to local authorities, which contains a chapter on public transport in the region of Paris Ile-de- France (11 million inhabitants). According to this law, the French State, which currently has the majority of stakes in STIF, the regional public

Metro keeps growing in Porto and fare integration under way
One year after the inauguration of its first section (see EMTA News n°9), the metro network keeps growing in the second largest Portuguese metropolitan area (1.5 million inhabitants). The section of 12km (18 stations) inaugurated in December 2002 (Blue line) carried 6 million passengers during its first year of operation, and patronage increased by 30%

New contract for local and regional railways in Rhine-Ruhr
VRR, the public transport authority of the Rhine-Ruhr conurbation (7.2 million inhabitants on a 5,000km2 territory in Germany around Düsseldorf and Essen), signed in July a new contract with DB German railways for the operation of local and regional railway services. The 15-year contract reaches a total value of €6 billion. According to the contract,

Successful fare integration implemented in Seville
Greater Seville includes 22 municipalities for a total population of 1.2 million inhabitants. Achieving greater fare integration between the 10 companies operating transport networks on its 1,300km2 territory has been a major objective of the Consorcio de Transportes del Area de Sevilla, the metropolitan transport authority since it was set up in March 2001. On

Tramways are back in Barcelona
34 years after the closure of the last tramway line serving the Catalan capital city, four lines of the new tramway network of Barcelona (see EMTA News n°2) were inaugurated in April and May. This network consists in two separate infrastructures: Trambaix, connecting Barcelona with Southern suburbs, and Trambesos, connecting Barcelona with Northen suburbs. Trambaix,

Towards more integrated and more reliable rail services in London ?
Heavy rail carries 42% of morning peak passengers into central London; it is a backbone of the public transport systems of the British capital city. Surveys show that Londoners make seven times more rail journeys than people in other UK cities, and that one third of all rail journeys in the country are made wholly

Bike+Ride and integrated information in Rhine-Ruhr
VRR, the public transport authority of the German Rhine-Ruhr conurbation (7.2m inhab. on a 5,000 km2 territory), incites passengers of public transport to use bicycle to go to stations. More than 8,000 bicycles can be parked close to stations, and the number is growing very fast. A list of these Bike and Ride facilities can

Stockholm will try congestion charging during one year
The municipality of Stockholm adopted a proposal to introduce a congestion charging scheme covering the complete inner-town of the city for a 13- month trial period starting in June 2005. During this period, all car drivers entering or leaving the area between 6.30am and 6.30pm will have to pay a charge of SEK 2 (€2.2)