Fare integration leads to increased patronage in Barcelona

  • Updated9 March 2004
  • News

Since the beginning of the implementation
of fare integration in the metropolitan area
of Barcelona (4.5m inhab) in 2001 by ATM,
the public transport authority, passenger
traffic has grown by 17.4%.

In 2003 alone,
30 million additional passengers used
public transport, that is to say an increase
by 3.7% vs 2002. The strongest increase
occurred for urban bus traffic (+5.2%),
followed by the regional railways of
Catalonia (+4.2%).

In 2003, the sales of integrated tickets
increased by 11.2% vs 2002, illustrating the
attractiveness of these tickets enabling to
travel on metro, buses, and regional

Tickets enabling 10 trips, sold at
the price of €6 for trips inside Barcelona,
account for 76% of all integrated tickets
