The President & the Board
EMTA is controlled by a board elected by members at general meetings for a 2-year renewable term.
The current board, elected 26 October 2023, is as follows:
Dr Katalin Walter
President of EMTA
Centre for Budapest Transport
M. Laurent Probst
Vice-President of EMTA
Île-de-France Mobilités
Mr Faustino Gomes
Vice-President of EMTA
Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa
Mrs Laura Delgado
Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
Other members of the Board
Ms Dorthe Nøhr Pedersen
Movia Public Transport
Mr Lukasz Franek
Zarzad Transportu Publicznego (ZTP)
Mr Mika Nykänen
Helsingin seudun liikenne (HSL)
Mr Alex Williams
Transport for London
Mr Lluis Alegre
Autoritat Del Transport Metropolità
The Team of the Secretariat
Mr Alexandre Santacreu
manages the association and reports to the President.
Mr Thomas Geier
Policy Advisor
leads on the deployment of the European Mobility Data Space, on digital sales and MaaS, and supports the SG on policy questions.
Ms Zahraa Jawad
Project Officer
oversees the contribution of EMTA to the EU-funded project named UPPER (Unleashing the Potential of Public transport in EuRope.)
Ms Rebecca Hamache
Administrative Assistant
is responsible for the accounting and budget planning, and contributes to preparing meetings.
Mr Johannes Laitila
Communications Officer
is responsible for the communications of the organization.
EMTA is organised on a voluntary basis into working groups on subjects decided jointly by the members.
Any Authority responsible for transport in a main European city or metropolitan area may become a member by applying to EMTA for membership.
EMTA general meetings are held at least once a year. Here are all the place where the meetings have been organised :
- Paris (April 1998),
- Madrid (November 1998),
- Berlin (April 1999),
- Brussels (November 1999),
- Manchester (April 2000),
- Rome (November 2000),
- Prague (April 2001),
- Barcelona (November 2001),
- Dublin (May 2002),
- Frankfurt (October 2002),
- Vienna (February 2003),
- London (November 2003),
- Helsinki (June 2004),
- Seville (October 2004),
- Amsterdam (April 2005),
- Vilnius (September 2005),
- Stuttgart (May 2006),
- Lyon (October 2006),
- Bilbao (April 2007),
- Stockholm (October 2007),
- Turin (April 2008),
- Paris for the 10th anniversary (November 2008),
- Valencia (April 2009),
- Warsaw (November 2009),
- Budapest (April 2010),
- Barcelona (November 2010),
- Madrid (April 2011),
- Birmingham (November 2011),
- Prague (May 2012),
- Berlin (September 2012),
- Copenhagen (April 2013),
- Vienna (October 2013),
- Rotterdam (May 2014),
- London (October 2014),
- Oslo (May 2015),
- Vilnius (October 2015),
- Budapest (May 2016),
- Warsaw (October 2016),
- Helsinki (June 2017),
- Manchester (November 2017),
- Paris for the 20th anniversary (June 2018),
- Amsterdam (November 2018),
- Palma (April 2019)
- Turin (November 2019)
- Virtual meeting (November 2020) ; Copenhagen (May 2020) and Bilbao (November 2020) meetings cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic
- Copenhagen (November 2021)
- Lisbon (May 2022)
- Vienna (October 2022)
- Oslo (May 2023)
- Barcelona (October 2023)
The next meeting planned is
Krakow, 10-12 April 2024