A new deal for SYTRAL in Lyon
In Lyon, the public transport authority SYTRAL is leading remarquable changes: a wider area of competence, now covering 3200 km² an expected new fare system to cover this wider territory, a more stable governance, at last, enshrined in the French law, a new approach to allotment in the tendering framework to stimulate competition. Read more
SYTRAL introduces contactless bank card payments in Lyon
The new service introduced on 30 May 2022 allows the use of contactless bank card or any connected object as a ticket for travel on the entire TCL network (bus, metro, tram, funicular, P+R). Present your contactless bank card or your connected object (phone or watch with the NFC function activated) on the validator. You
Hybrid buses on the TCL network launch of a one year experiment in Lyon
The SYTRAL is the organizing authority for urban transport in the Lyon conurbation, the largest network in France (outside of Paris). The TCL network is particularly characterized by its modernity, the diversity of the modes operated – metro, tramway, funicular, bus, trolley-bus and electric shuttles – and by the proportion of the modes operated by
Tariff policy measure improves efficiency of the bus routes at Lyon SYTRAL
SYTRAL the transport authority of Lyon metropolitan area wants to discourage passengers to buy their bus ticket on board in order to spare time on the bus routes. To achieve this goal, SYTRAL decided to raise the price of the single ticket up to €2 starting January 1 2012, as opposed to €1.60 when tickets
Lyon survey in household mobility
A major survey on household mobility in the metropolitan area of Lyon has been released in March. The survey covered 460 municipalities and 1,9 million inhabitants out of which 11,000 household have been inquired representing 26,000 individuals ; 90,000 trips have been reviewed from November 2005 to April 2006. The survey took into account all
29 November – Lyon (T3 – LEA) : a suburban tram line
This 14.6-kilometre line uses a former rail corridor closed during late 80’s and protected from other uses. From the main railway station, it serves the partly urbanised western area of greater Lyon region. The investment costs amounted to € 172 million, including a brand new track. The interest of LEA lies in its commercial speed
SYTRAL publishes a monitoring report on transport plans
The Urban Renewal act voted in 2000 grants French public transport authorities responsibilities in administration/companies transport plans. SYTRAL, Lyon transport authority has proposed partnership agreements with employers within its geographical area, with the support of Keolis Lyon, operator of public transport networks and ADEME, environment and energy savings national agency. These partnerships include methodological support
Very short term rental of cycles available in Lyons
Greater Lyon launched in May VeloV, an innovative service of cycle rental for very short duration. Rental spots are spread across the cities of Lyons and Villeurbanne, where about 600,000 people live and work. The network consists of almost 200 stations, situated in strategic locations and no more than five minutes away from any place
Lyons renew its global contract with Keolis for six years and develops its networks
Sytral, Lyons transport authority is responsible for organising and financing the largest French public transport network open to competition, with a €1.5bn contract lasting 6 years. As the previous contract was ending in December 2004, the tendering process has been initiated in November 2003. The last choice had to be done between Keolis, the incumbent
RATP : first contracts outside Paris
RATP, the French state-owned company operating public transport systems in the central part of the Paris metropolitan area (turnover of €2.9 billion, 42,000 employees) won over the past months several contracts, the first ones outside its core territory. It was awarded, last Autumn, a three-year contract to assist the operation of the regional railways in