RATP : first contracts outside Paris

  • Updated9 March 2004
  • News

RATP, the French state-owned company operating public transport systems in the central part of the Paris metropolitan area (turnover of €2.9 billion, 42,000 employees) won over the past months several
contracts, the first ones outside its core territory.

It was awarded,
last Autumn, a three-year contract to assist the operation of the
regional railways in Athens, a 260km long network of 3 routes,
including the new line that will serve the airport.

The company also
won, through its subsidiary Eurailco, jointly owned with Transdev, a
contract with the transport company of the German city of Düsseldorf
for the operation of regional rail services, and the 30 year concession
contract for the building and operation of the new tramway
of Florence (3 lines for a total length of 29.5km, that shall be
inaugurated in 2007).

RATP will bid for the contract of operation of public transport systems
in Lyons, the second largest French urban area (1.3m inhab.), that is
currently operated by Keolis, and is candidate to operate the public
transport systems in Toulouse (700,000 inhab.).
