Dublin Bus 2

Advanced ITS system for Dublin Bus

Dublin has recently opted for an advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS). The Intermodal Transport Control System MOBILE-ITCS dispatchers maintain the overview over the traffic situation in the city of Dublin at all times and can initiate counter measures should disturbances occur. The system includes the provision of the integrated statistical evaluation software MOBILEstatistics that allows

North metro

Two metro lines to be built in Dublin

The Irish Railway Procurement Agency presented on 19 October the selected route for Metro North and opened on 22 November the consultation aiming at defining the route of Metro West. Metro North is scheduled for completion in 2012 and will use underground, surface and elevated tracks. An estimated 34 million passengers a year will use


Towards a connection between Dublin LUAS lines

The Red Line and the Green Line that entered in service in 2004 constitute Dublin light rail scheme, LUAS. These two lines do not connect: there is a 15-minute walk between Abbey Street on the Red Line and St Stephen’s Green on the Green Line. However, tickets bought for a journey starting on one line

Loans granted by the European Investment Bank to support public transport development in Brussels, Dublin, and Stockhom

The European Investment Bank announced over the past months that it will grant loans to support the development of public transport systems in the following cities : – Brussels: a long-term loan of €250 million has been granted to STIB, the public transport company of the Belgian capital city, so as to modernise tramway infrastructures