Prioritising pedestrian access to public transport
According to research in pedestrian behaviour, the prioritisation of pedestrian access to public transport can increase the amount of passengers. Therefore, Movia seeks to strengthen the interaction between pedestrians and public transport in collaboration with municipalities. 90 percent of public transport users reach bus stops by foot. In addition, almost half of the total travelling
ELENA facility supports Movia transition to electric buses and boats
The Danish regional public transport authority Movia has received a grant of EUR 1,119,000 from the ELENA facility for technical assistance to prepare a transition of parts of the fleet of buses and ferries operated under the responsibility of Movia from conventional fuels to electricity. Movia is the Public Transport Authority (PTA) in East Denmark
BEST: Benchmarking of customer satisfaction with public transport in Europe
BEST stands for Benchmarking European Service of public Transport. It is a non-profit project that started in 1999 with the overall objective to increase the use of public transport in European urban areas. In 2008, the following cities participated in BEST: 1. Berlin 2. Copenhagen 3. Geneva 4. Helsinki 5. Oslo 6. Stockholm 7. Vienna
A circular subway in project for Copenhagen metropolitan area
The Danish government and the municipalities of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg concluded an agreement for the construction Cityringen, a circular subway consisting of a 17 stationline around the capital. This line will double the number of stations of the current metro network that has opened in 2002 and that will also be extended by 4.5 kilometres