EMTA Barometer

EMTA has collected annual statistics on public transport in the largest European cities for more than 20 years. The 2024 edition of EMTA Barometer is released in June 2024.

Barometer 2024 – Based on 2013-2023 data, published June 2024

EMTA Barometer 2024 includes data up to 2023 and gives more attention to tracking changes in public transport statistics since 2013. The 2024 edition has a particular focus on costs, revenue and ridership, reflecting the rapid inflation that hits Europe since 2022, the changing travel habits since the Covid-19 pandemic, and the diverging fare policies across countries.

The publication time is cut by 12 months from previous editions. The 2024 edition also offers data visualisation through an online dashboard in addition to the annual report.

Online dashboard
EMTA Barometer report

Barometer 2022 – Based on 2020 data, published July 2022

Summary version

Barometer 2021 – Based on 2019 data, published July 2021

Summary version

Barometer 2020 – Based on 2018 data, published May 2020

Barometer 2019 – Based on 2017 data, published June 2019

Barometer 2018 – Based on 2016 data

Barometer 2017 – Based on 2015 data

Barometer 2016 – Based on 2014 data

Barometer 2015 – Based on 2013 data

8 pages summary

Barometer 2014 – Based on 2012 data

6 pages summary

Barometer 2012 – Based on 2010 data

6 pages summary

Barometer 2011 – Based on 2009 data

Barometer 2010 – Based on 2008 data

6 pages summary

Barometer 2009 – Based on 2006 data

Barometer 2007 – Based on 2004 data

Barometer 2004 – Based on 2002 data

Full version

A four-pages summary is available:

Barometer 2002 – Based on 2000 data

Full version