The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Transportation Authorities: the case of the Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid


  • Updated11 August 2014
  • News

The Corporate Social Responsibility of the Regional Transport
Consortium of Madrid (CRTM) is aligned with the new social
model that requires a satisfying experience of the public
transport customer in his daily mobility, to position the user
at the intangible values level. The association with the best
values perceived by Madrid society: transparency, knowledge,
leadership, build community, human and social values,
opportunities and safety, are all them the basis for our
corporate social responsibility. The Madrid transport system
has become an “area of human and social progress.”

The collaboration of CRTM with numerous institutions from
very varied origin and business activity is the consequence of
our efforts to implement a strategy-oriented culture towards
Corporate Social Responsibility, by developing different
activities under a corporate commitment frame and social in
regard with their customers.

A considerable activity increase and relationship with users
of public transport system is the result of collaborating with
public and private entities, through partnerships and agreements
with social institutions such as SOS Children’s Villages,
Spanish Red Cross, Manos Unidas, Spanish Heart Foundation,
Real Madrid Foundation, etc.

The CRTM, in every communication action, has focused on
citizens and with a clearly defined goal: “The undisputed
protagonist in Madrid Transport System is the user because
we bring People together.”


Our undertaken dissemination activities and communication
with each of these institutions mean a solidarity opportunity
for users of public transport in Madrid.
As a result of creation of these partnerships there are several
acknowledgements of Consortium activities over recent
months, among them:

  • The recognition by Spanish Red Cross for our collaboration
    and participation in awareness and dissemination in the
    different campaigns undertaken at Transport System of
    Madrid ;
  • Special thanks by SOS Children’s Villages, with nomination
    as Builders of Future ;
  • Association Award “Heart’s Home – Second Chance” Project.

The CRTM in recent years has lead numerous actions, becoming
a part of the DNA from its Corporate Communication Plan, and
can be divided into three groups:

  • Social nature activities ;
  • Cultural nature activities ;
  • Leisure activities, Entertainment and Sport.

These actions have meant the involvement of numerous public and
private companies with the Transport System, among which we
highlight, The Regional Ministry of Culture, Spanish Handball
Federation, Excelentia Foundation, Youth Choir of the Madrid
Region, Cirque Du Soleil, Mayumana, etc.


In addition to the quality of each of transportation modes, a new
added value in mobility behaviour is demanded by the diverse and
dynamic society as it is Madrid society. The CRTM has addressed this
need by the implementation of numerous actions in the global
environment of Transportation System, playing a leading role the five
multimodal transport exchangers of Madrid, through which nearly
one million people pass every day.

Furthermore, the European Mobility Week deserves particular
mention due to the different social and economic agents involvement,
encouraging local authorities to introduce and promote
sustainable transport measures, inviting their citizens to seek
alternatives to the private car. Exhibitions, Green Routes promotion,
Seminars and performances at transport interchanges configure
much of its contents.

The numerous actions and activities carried out in the Transport
System environment have helped to improve customer perception
and his viewing on public transport as an institution committed to
human and social, educational and environmental values.
The creation of the Public Transport Friends Club as a communication
platform between Madrid Transport Consortium and public
transport users, has become a well perceived communication channel
by the customers as a via to offer an added value in social terms,
cultural and economic, an example of public-private partnership for
public transport user benefit.

Contact: Mr Carlos Cristobal, Director of External Affairs