The Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid has been one of the main partners of the project OPTICITIES- Enhancing Smart Mobility. This project was part of one of the VII framework program of the European Commission and the activities were developed during 3 years; from 2013 to 2016. Through its public transport innovation and management centre (CITRAM), CRTM has developed strategies and multimodal tools focused on the improvement of the public transport management ant the experimentation of innovative ITS services. OPTICITIES project has studied and strength the whole mobility information chain: from the collection and process of mobility data to the development of new mobility services for final users including public transport operators and citizens. One of the singularities of the project was the close cooperation between operators and innovative companies who worked together in order to find solutions that could be implemented and commercialized on the upcoming years.
The results of the project have been a great success! A summary of them can be found on the handbook developed at the end of the project: OPTICITIES – Enhancing Smart Mobility. Transferability Handbook. Within the handbook the reader will find innovative solutions and tools, some of them are already being used on different countries answering necessities on mobility for the partners of the project, while others tackle complex mobility future challenges for the whole Europe.
In the particular case of the public transport system of Madrid Region, CRTM, through its public transport innovation and management centre (CITRAM), has developed a system where multimodal information from public and private operators, as well as, other relevant information for mobility management have been integrated. This system, has made possible to creation of a model of data able to characterised the real situation of the public transport system, reflecting on a clear and simplified way the mobility of all the modes of transport of the region. A real standard that can be replicated on other large metropolitan regions and cities, as has been proved on the project.
CRTM has also developed a decision support tool that helps CITRAM operators on their daily work and improves responsiveness and intervention results of the incident management. The tool has three different modules: Early Warning System that identifies circumstances that may have impact on the public transport system, Decision Engine that support operators on the decision making under different circumstances and the Information Distribution Module that allows sending particularised information to all the involved agents (operates, authorities and citizens) in a quicker and effective way.
CRTM continues working on the improvement of the sustainable mobility through the use of Intelligent Transport System on the CIVITAS-ECCENTRIC project where CRTM will develop the basis of the Mobility as a Service concept in Madrid with the creation of an open platform for multimodal mobility information and services.