The future of transport in Greater Manchester

  • Updated9 August 2007
  • News

Greater Manchester Transport Authorities GMPTA was given approval for launching a first consultation of stakeholders, on the proposal of a bid to UK Department for Transport for the Transport Innovation Fund (TIF) scheme.

It would be a £3bn package of transport funding and the introduction of a road congestion charging which would represent the biggest funding of transport scheme outside London.

The extra investment could lead to major changes including Metrolink expansion, improved trains and more frequent and better quality bus services, and considerations about Park and Ride and Yellow School Bus schemes.

The charging system would be shaped to local needs and charges would go back into funding improvements to public transport Decision will be taken on July after the consultation, GMPTA will be allowed to proceed with the TIF bid if certain conditions are met, namely there would be no charge before transport systems are significantly improved, charging would only apply where there is congestion, and measures must be acceptable to the public and the business and support the city region’s agreed economic and social plans.

On current projections a system could be in place by 2012.

GMPTA Website