Manchester mainstreams travel training

  • Updated30 January 2009
  • News

GMPTE are taking their approach towards
mainstreaming travel training for disabled
people forward by hosting a symposium in
Manchester on 13 January 2009.

The event which is entitled “Travel
Training in Greater Manchester: The Way
Forward – a Strategic Approach for
Everyone” is aimed at local authorities and
health authorities and is being delivered
to help promote the benefits of travel
training in helping promote social inclusion
for everyone by making better use of
existing public transport networks.

The event, the first of its kind in Europe,
will see professional speakers from the
U.S.A., Austria, Sweden and the U.K. present
on schemes which help people of all ages,
young and old, learn to use public transport.
GMPTE are also combining their approach
to travel training with another project
which aims to stop learning disabled
people being bullied when using public

U R On Board is a project which aims to
promote the consequences of bullying
disabled people among schoolchildren by
developing and promoting an education
based resource pack in schools in one
district in Greater Manchester. This project
also helps learning disabled people gain
skills to deal with bullying, should they
become victims of this.

To know more about the outcomes of this
event, or about the UR On Board project,
please contact:
David Partington