New criteria applicable to tenders for transport services in Warsaw

  • Updated31 August 2015
  • News

When announcing future tenders for bus transport services, Zarząd Transportu Miejskiego [Public Transport Authority] in Warsaw will apply new criteria for the selection of the most advantageous bid. It will promote alternatively powered vehicles, among other things.

ZTM will order services of the highest possible quality. The operator(s) will provide services with buses suitable to ensure a high standard of travel, a standard to which the residents of Warsaw have already become accustomed. All buses will be brand new. They will be provided with air-conditioning, CCTV, ticket machines, a voice announcement system, LCD screens displaying information for passengers, upholstery with Warsaw-related patterns (architectural symbols of the city), an emergency communication system, and – a novelty – state-of-the-art locating systems, which will play a significant role in the smooth management of the fleet.


ZTM has introduced a new requirement for the operators – now, they must ensure appropriate technical facilities, i.e. a depot, where they will clean the vehicles and perform the necessary servicing and repairs. ZTM will constantly supervise the condition of the fleet, i.e. its suitability for the purposes of the contract – both before the commencement of the services, and during the term of the contract.

High requirements that have to be met by the drivers are another novelty. All drivers must demonstrate proficiency in Polish at least at the intermediate level (B1). They will also need to be familiar with the communication routes and topography of Warsaw and its surroundings, as well as order and tariff regulations. When supplying services, they will obligatorily wear blue and navy blue uniforms.

For the first time, when announcing this type of tender, ZTM will pay great attention to… social aspects. The carrier(s) will be obligated to employ – for the term of contract with ZTM – their staff (including drivers and supervisors) under employment contracts on a full-time basis. ZTM will check whether this obligation is met by the operator(s). It will be possible to employ additional personnel on a part-time basis, but on the condition that no less than 120 employees must be employed on a full-time basis.


Also, for the first time it is possible for the operator or operators who meet their obligations and provide their services at the highest possible level, to receive… awards. Also, premiums will be granted for excellent time-keeping, reliability and no other faults. Those operators, who supply their services beyond reproach, will be rewarded at rates for vehicle-kilometres. This solution is used e.g. in Stockholm.

More importantly, it is the first time when new criteria for the selection of the most advantageous bid will be applied. Still, the rate for one vehicle-kilometre will be crucial. However, it will not be the only important criterion. Additional points will be given for alternatively-powered vehicles. And in the case of long buses – also their capacity (more than 18.5 m long) and the number of doors will be rated. Buses with 5 doors are preferred, to expedite and facilitate the exchange of passengers.

The first tender with the new criteria was announced in mid-May. The carrier (or carriers) with whom the contract will be concluded, will provide 100 buses – 50 short ones (approx. 9 metres) and 50 articulated buses (at least 18 metres). The new buses will start running on 1 January next year. The contract will be signed for 8 years, i.e. will be applicable until the end of 2023.

For more information, contact Halina Rakowska