Lyon : Public transport networks

Description of the Network :

  • the metro: 4 lines, including one fully automated line and one rack rail line, 73 carriages, 42 stations and 29.4 km of track;
  • the funicular: 2 lines, 4 carriages and 1.2 km of track; -* the tram: 4 lines, 73 carriages, 81 stations and 48,3 km of track;
  • buses and minibuses: 123 lines, 988 buses, 161 of which are articulated ;
  • the trolley bus: 7 lines, 131 vehicles ;
  • electric shuttles: 5 vehicles on the Lyon peninsula and 9.2 km of routes;
  • school services: 141 lines, 112 buses and 1,060 km of routes.

Global map of transports in Lyon

Presentation of the operating companies :

Keolis Lyon operates :

  • Urban Buses : 130 lines
  • Tramways : 5 lines
  • Metro : 4 lines

More information on the Lyon network on TCL website