Stockholm and Mobility-as-a-service pilots during 2018

  • Updated24 January 2018
  • News

Public transport in Stockholm County should be easily accessible, reliable and environmentally friendly. Trafikförvaltningen (Public transport administration SLL) is responsible for planning, coordination and tendering transport services. The number of travelers has been increasing each year.

More than 780 000 people travel by public transport in Stockholm County each day. The various means of transport – buses, metro, commuter trains, local rail services and boats – are coordinated within a constantly growing transport network.

Mobility as a Service in Stockholm
Mobility as a Service, MaaS, is often described as the most exciting paradigm shift at present in the transport sector. Following trends of the increased digitalization, sharing economy and urbanization the prerequisites for a real change in how we are consuming transport services are at hand.

Trafikförvaltningen (Public transport administration) expects to see a lot more from Mobility as a Service (MaaS) this year and we are involved in several MaaS-related projects. All pilots have different purposes and will address different customer groups.

Tjänsteresan – Service for traveling during work
Traveling during work is less frequent but creates longer trips than commuting to and from work. The goal is to increase the share of sustainable traveling when done during work. Hopefully we will change behavior of travelers by creating knowledge about possibilities and make the access to travel with the public transport systems very easy.

Combined Mobility for households in part of Stockholm


This MaaS pilot will be launched in Stockholm in April 2018 and a full roll-out is scheduled by the end of 2018.

The service includes public transport, car sharing and also P2P, taxi, rental bikes, and shared bikes. The goal is to increase sustainable traveling by make people’s daily lives easier without the need for owning a private car. In this project we are partnering with the City of Stockholm, EU Eccentric, UbiGo [[UbiGo is a Swedish company founded as a result of the Go:Smart project. In 2014 it already introduced the first MaaS service in the city of Gothenburg to promote sustainable modes of transport. The app helps cities and regions to achieve their environmental objectives by reducing the number of private cars (less congestion, higher sustainability, better CO2-results).]]

It is based on a flexible monthly subscription with an account that is shared among all members of a household, easy to top up and with the option to save what has not been used to the next month.

Newly built area – Barkarbystaden


In late 2018 this pilot will be launched in an area newly built and still growing for many years to come. The service includes the same content as the other pilot to households but we want to test if we get other effects on behavior in this environment.

Part of pilot is to have autonomous buses in traffic both running through the area and as a last mile solution. In this project we are partnering with the local authority Järfälla municipality and Nobina.