Maritime service was Cádiz Bay Transport Consortium major goal for 2006. At
that time, the project demanded two ferries and three maritime terminals.
However, the success of this new transport mode made a third ferry necessary
and in February 2007, one additional vessel started to sail.
Now a fourth ferry has been constructed directly under the Consortium guidelines
and started operation last July 2009 showing the ongoing commitment to
maritime transport services the frequency of which have largely improved.
The metropolitan area of Cadiz Bay has a stable population of 659,000 inhabitants
but enjoys some 1,480,000 residents in summer time.
The maritime services are composed of two lines each served with two ferries.
For the line Cadiz-El Puerto de Santa Maria driving by car would be 25 km,
riding with the train is 35 km but sailing represents only a distance of 9 km. For
the second line Cadiz –Rota it allows the same comparison the two points are
46 km apart when driving but only 12 km when sailing.
Over a total number of journeys of 5,163,000 in the metropolitan area, ferries
make already 416,000. From Cadiz to El Puerto de Santa Maria 56% of the
journeys are made by ferry versus 44% by car and from Cadiz to Rota, an
impressive 81% of the journeys are made by ferry versus 19% by car.

The new catamaran ferryboat has a length of 25,8m and welcomes 150
passengers. The main deck is fully adapted to passengers in wheel chair.
Great care has also being given to the shipping
terminals (see EMTA News 37 July 2009) including
spacious lounge areas, vending machines,
ticket and information office, toilets and also a
bike lending service.
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