18 November – Aulnay-Bondy in Ile-de-France (T4) : a significant upgrade of old train tracks

  • Updated19 December 2006
  • News

This 8-kilometre line serves a dense area within the eastern suburbs of Paris / Ile-de-France region. A former heavy rail line has been closed, upgraded and doubled where constituted by a single track.

3 new stations have been added to the 8 existing and a new tram-train rolling stock (Siemens Avanto) has been purchased. The headway at peak hours has been significantly improved from 15 minutes to 6 minutes.

The investment costs amounted to € 55 million for the infrastructure and € 70 million for the rolling stock. Despite this line is currently built only on existing tracks, future urban extensions have been studied and would be possible due to the ability of tram-trains to use rail infrastructure as urban streets.
