Porto : Identification of metropolitan area

Porto, a city with its references inscribed in history, is today affirmed as a city-pole, embryonic of the great region that is now the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP).


Located in the North Coast of Portugal, the AMP embraces a geographic zone, currently composed by 17 contiguous municipalities, in an approximate area of 2,040 Km2 with a resident population of around 1,7 millions of inhabitants.


All these municipalities assume their particularities but converge in a complementarity for diversity, in which the AMP is, undoubtedly, a bearer and promoter of this cohesion.
The PT network in Porto metropolitan region is constituted by the following transport providers:

  • Metro do Porto (mainly surface metro) owned and managed by the government and the Metropolitan Area of Porto;
  • For the bus we have a public company manage by the government, AMP and the 6 municipalities that have their routes and it’s owned by the Central State and we also have 30 privates companies that explore several lines in the metropolitan area.
  • The train is owned by the state and managed by the government.