
NAPCORE Mobility Data Days – Budapest, Hungary

EMTA’s policy advisor and mobility data expert Thomas Geier will attend the NAPCORE Mobility Data Days from 7-9 November 2023. For the full programme and more information about the event on napcore.eu.

POLIS Conference 2023 – Leuven, Belgium

The Annual POLIS Conference is Europe’s leading sustainable urban mobility event, providing an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners, and decision-makers from both the public and private sector. More about the POLIS Conference EMTA staff members Zahraa Jawad, Thomas Geier and Alexandre Santacreu will

EMTA is the network of public transport authorities that organise mobility services in metropolitan areas in Europe

Since 1998, EMTA is a forum to exchange experience and best practices in the field of planning, integrating and funding public transport services at the metropolitan level. It follows a programme of work elaborated by its members. EMTA brings together 34 authorities from 21 European countries Together, EMTA members work to improve the daily mobility

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EMTA – European Metropolitan Transport Authorities Headquarters: 41 rue de Chateaudun 75009 PARIS France Publishing director: Olivier Barbosa Telephone: 01 53 59 21 00 Hosting provider: OVH SAS This website is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation. All reproduction rights are reserved, including those for icons and photographs. Personal data Generally

About us

About Us

EMTA brings together the authorities responsible for public transport in the main European cities. It promotes the exchange of information and good practices in the field of public transport organisation, planning and funding.

This website provides detailed information about EMTA and each of its member authorities.



EMTA c/o Île-de-France Mobilités

 41 rue de Châteaudun

 F-75009 PARIS

Phone: Will be shortly updated

 E-mail : contact@emta.com