European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) is an association that was created in 1998 so as to form a venue for exchange of information, experience and best practices in the field of planning, integrating and financing public transport services in the larger European cities and their metropolitan areas. EMTA brings together 34 authorities from 21 European

EMTA Newsletter
The quarterly letter of information of EMTA on public transport in the European metropolitan areas n°64 – Summer 2022

New EMTA Brief : COVID-19 exit strategies for public transport authorities
This synopsis brings together findings and takeaways from EMTA webinars on the topic of COVID-19 resilience and recovery held in October 2020. Interactive discussions on the role of public transport authorities during the 2020 EMTA general meeting in November 2020 have further deepened and enriched these insights. This document sums up main challenges and opportunities

World Rail Festival – 3 to 5 december 2019 – Amsterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)
More information on this website.

The new barometer is available
You could download the complete or the summary of the barometer published in 2019 based with datas from 2017. All previous editions are available in the Publication section.

A perspective on MaaS from Europe’s metropolitan transport authorities
Wednesday 5th June 2019, EMTA published a very detailled point of view on Mobility as a Service. emta_-_maaspaper.pdf

Joint letter Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA
Coordinated action with Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA to publish this joint letter to the Dutch minister of Transport and Environment mrs Schultz van Haegen with concerns expressed on the Informal Transport-Environment Council meeting on ‘Innovating for the future: Smart and green solutions for sustainable transport’ at April 14-15 in Amsterdam

News from EMTA General meeting in Warsaw (5/6th november 2009)
At Warsaw general meeting, EMTA members elected a new President, to replace M. Hannu Pentillä, and a new board. The mandate of the new team is for the 2 years to come. President of EMTA: M. Hans-Werner Franz, Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB – Berlin-Brandenburg) Vice-presidents: Mrs Sophie Mougard, Syndicat des Transports d’Ile-de-France (STIF – Paris /

Vice President Tajani Message to EMTA
Welcome Speech EMTA Conference Valencia, 27-28 April by Vice-President Antonio Tajani Commissioner for Transport Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all let me say that I deeply regret not being able to be with you, today, to attend your General Assembly in Valencia. Nevertheless, I would like to grasp the opportunity of this address to spend

EMTA new logo
EMTA members approved to change the logo of the association at the general meeting in Valencia. After 10 years of this visual identity : The new EMTA logo will now be this one :