Zahraa Jawad is appointed EMTA Project Officer
The EMTA Secretariat is delighted to announce the recruitment of Zahraa Jawad as Project Officer from February 2023. Zahraa is a Dutch national with an MSc in Urban Public Administration (2020) from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She comes with a 2-year experience in public transport planning with Vervoerregio Amsterdam. Fascinated by cities, Zahraa is keen

New forms of financing can significantly change the public transport market
The transition to zero-emission bus transport results in high purchase costs for the carriers. So there is a need for a different financing model. Banks are interested in offering a variant of the bus loan, as developed by the Amsterdam Transport Region. Buses can therefore be accommodated in an asset BV, a kind of rolling

Direct financing allowed Amsterdam PTA to make fewer public transport cutbacks
New forms of financing can make an important contribution to improving public transport and making it more sustainable. The Transport Authority Amsterdam has implemented various alternative forms of financing in the past years, such as the Bus Loan. This enabled, among other things, the interim financing of electric buses. Nico van Paridon of the Transport

The Amsteltram, in 35 minutes from Uithoorn to Amsterdam South by tram
Transport Authority Amsterdam is commissioning authority for the realisation of the Amsteltram project, the first regional tramline in the Metropolitan area of Amsterdam. When completed, it is possible to travel from Uithoorn, a suburban town of 30.000 inhabitants some 10 kilometer south of Amsterdam to Amsterdam South station in little over half an hour. This

Ambition for Amsterdam public transport
The Transport Authority Amsterdam (Vervoerregio) aims for cleaner and quieter public transport for its residents and travellers. With the transition to zero emission public transportation we contribute to the global climate goals. That is why from 2025 all new buses in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region will be emission free. In 2030 this applies to all

Ambitions to achieve Zero Emission Mobility in Amsterdam region
Things are going well with the introduction of Zero Emission buses in the Amsterdam region. From April 2018 100 zero emission buses will be deployed in the area around Schiphol Airport. In summer, the Waterland region will follow with 10 electric buses. Within the entire Amsterdam metropolitan region plans to make public transport more sustainable

Corporate Plan of the Transport Authority Amsterdam
Renewal of regional traffic and transport strategies The Amsterdam (Metropolitan) region is growing: the population increases, employment rises, and the number of visits increases as well and it is expected that without expansions the traffic and transport system will be unable to answer to the mobility demand already on the short term. At the same

Better public transport in Amsterdam: to benefit mass transit at less public funding
Bringing more travellers in tram, bus and metro to their destination faster is the joint ambition of Stadsregio Amsterdam and municipal transport company GVB. Moreover, this can be done with much less funding. With the transport plan 2014 ‘Towards better public transport’ adopted by the executive committee of the Amsterdam City Region the has undertaken

Amsterdam urban transport facing severe cutbacks
The public transport systems in the 3 largest metropolitan areas in The Netherlands are facing severe budget cuts starting 2013. As part of a national government program of public expenditure cuts of around €18 million, the Dutch government has imposed a €120 million cut on the budget available to Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague for

New hybrid fuel cell buses for GVB Amsterdam
Public transport company GVB, operator of urban transport in the city region of Amsterdam, will start with 2 hybrid fuel-cell buses in their daily operations in the Spring of 2011. The main features of the buses, built by the Dutch company Advanced Public Transport Systems (part of the VDL Group) are: Lightweight composite body, with