UITP, EMTA, EPF, EPTO, POLIS joint open letter : Make 2022 the European year of rail and public transport –> Response of the EC

  • Updated22 June 2021
  • News

The 3rd June 2021, UITP, EMTA, EPF, EPTO, and POLIS addressed a joint open letter calling on the EU to make 2022 the European Year of Rail and Public Transport.

Rail and public transport play a key role in the daily life of millions of citizens. With this joint call, the five associations strongly believe that 2022 represents a unique opportunity to promote this essential role.

A number of stakeholders have already suggested to extend the duration of the European Year of Rail until 31 December 2022 due to the difficulty to promote rail transport given the sanitary context. UITP, EMTA, EPF, EPTO & POLIS agree on the principles behind the suggestion and are ready to go one step further by making 2022 a European Year of Rail and Public transport.