Transport Ministers aim to reduce road mortality by 50% by 2010 in Europe

  • Updated21 December 2003
  • News

The European Ministers of Transport adopted a declaration aiming to reduce by 50% the death toll on European roads by 2010 at an informal meeting in Verona (Italy) in October.

In 2000, 40 800 persons were killed in road accidents in the European Union, that is to say more than 110 every day. It is estimated that 60% of the victims were not responsible for the accident that cost their lives. Main measures adopted in Verona:

– setting up of a European Observatory of road security,

– progressive harmonisation of national rules concerning speed limits, driving licenses, etc,

– definition of European standards for road infrastructures,

– adoption of regulations protecting the more vulnerable users,

– adoption of measures improving the security of vehicles,

– creating a culture of road security in Europe and focus on training.