The Commission releases a White Paper on services of general interest

  • Updated11 June 2004
  • News

The European Commission released on 12th May a White Paper on services of general interest, which acknowledges that services of general interest are an essential component of the European model of society, and stresses the need to achieve public service obligations in competitive open markets. The Commission thinks it is premature to propose new framework regulations valid for all services of general interest, and suggests to wait after the Constitutional Treaty is adopted. It also puts forward the need to adopt before the end of 2004 the draft regulations known as “Monti” package concerning State aids to services of general interest in the post-Altmark judgement context.
This White Paper is based on the conclusions of the consultation launched in 2003 on the Green Paper of general interest (see EMTA News n° 13), a summary of which has also been released by the Commission.

(added June 2004)