Public transport needs a financial safety net in the Netherlands

  • Updated10 June 2022
  • News

At present in the Netherlands, some 20% fewer people are travelling by public transport than in 2019. Transport operators and authorities, including the Rotterdam Den Haag Metropolitan Region (MRDH), are far from convinced by the Dutch government claims that passenger numbers will return to pre-pandemic levels by 2023. They call for a financial safety net from the national government for the next two years.

Without this safety net, travellers must prepare for lower frequencies and fewer connections. In the coming years, the expected 400,000 additional population and the large-scale road works will further exacerbate the need for public transport. For its contribution to the social outcomes in the metropolitan region, public transport must have its funding secured. And for that, financial security in 2023 is indispensable. In mid-June 2022, crucial talks are held on this between the central government and the transport authorities.

Source: Metropoolregio Rotterdam Den Haag (LinkedIn)