Public service obligation on public passenger services (PSO)

  • Updated25 April 2007
  • News

The proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council “on public passenger services by rail and by road”.

The Council reached on 9 June 2006, a political agreement on the Revised Proposal of the Commission for a regulation on public service obligation for passenger transport services on rail and road (COD/2000/0212).

The Common Position was adopted by the Council on 11 December 2006 and sent to the Parliament for a second reading.

Mr Meijer released a report on the amendments on 12 February 2007 to the Transport and Tourism Committee at the European Parliament.

On 27 March, the Transport and Tourism Committee voted its Recommendation to Parliament’s plenary meeting of 9 May 2007 for amending Council’s common position.

Among the 235 amendments, 40 have been adopted by TRAN Committee.

The Presidency of EU will conduct an informal trilogue with Council and Parliament on 12 April 2007 with a view to reach agreement.