Launch of the European mobility week (16-22 September 2002)

  • Updated1 July 2002
  • News

The European commissioner for Environment, Mrs. Margot Wallström, presented in April the forthcoming European mobility week. This week will take place in cities around Europe between 16 and 22 September 2002, with the aim to raise awareness of the damage current mobility practices inflict to the environment, and to promote alternative transport modes.

The European Mobility Week will include 4 thematic days: car free day (22/09), public transport day (16/09), cycling and walking day (18/09), and living streets and greenways day (20/09).

The European Mobility Week will represent a platform for local authorities as well as organisations and associations from all over Europe to promote their existing policies, initiatives and best practices on sustainable urban mobility, and to launch new policies and initiatives.

The “European Mobility Week Award 2002” will aim to reward local authorities for the activities organised in the framework of the Mobility Week, to highlight their experiences and successes in organising the week and to raise public awareness of the need for local and individual action in the field of sustainable mobility.