Hannover Mobile turns public transport into a full mobility service provider

  • Updated1 January 2006
  • News

The Greater Hannover Transport Association
(GVH) manages mobility issues of a 1.1 million
inhabitant metropolitan area through an
integrated system. It offers a wide range of
public transport services provided by four
different companies: urban bus, tram,
suburban bus, regional trains, and local
rapid transit.

However, this level of integration and this
range of services haven’t been estimated
comprehensive enough to fulfil all mobility
needs, even if taking in account Park and
Ride facilities. In order to better match
dwellers’ expectations, GVH has launched
in December 2004 HannoverMobile, a
complete mobility package grouping
together public transport, car sharing, taxi,
delivery services, cycle invoiced in a unique
monthly ‘mobility bill’.

The service aims at reducing the number of
cars circulating in the streets but also at
reducing car ownership. It can also be a
lever to improve public transport patronage
and to develop new markets for public
transport stakeholders.

HannoverMobile service has a monthly
price of €6.50 to be added to the public
transport annual pass (€50 to €65 per month
depending on the travelling zones) and includes
the following services on a unique card:

– Car rental discount rates and car sharing
access: 100 cars in 80 spots
– Taxi discount rates and cashless payment
– National rail 25% discount card –
BahnCard 25
– Discount rates in secured bike parking
facilities – Fahrradstation – and in bicycle
stores: repair, rental
– Special conditions for delivery services,
free downtown shopping goods storage
– Dedicated customer service
One year after its creation, 500 people
are registered, mainly attracted by the
car-sharing service. 25% of them were not
yearly pass holders before and a third
of them got rid of their car or refrained from
buying one.
