French Presidency’s priorities in transport

  • Updated5 September 2008
  • News

State Secretary Dominique Bussereau unfolded the priorities of the French presidency in the field of transport. Identifying cleaner transport as the top priority he referred particularly to the “greening of transport” package including the proposal for revision of the Eurovignette Directive recently adopted by the Commission.

This will be the subject of the debate during the informal meeting of Transport Ministers in La Rochelle on 1-2 September and the Council meeting on 9-10 October.
The second priority is transport safety, the aim is to make progress on the proposal for a directive on cross-border enforcement, and above all step up the negotiation with Parliament on proposals about maritime safety.

Pursuing the further integration of internal market in road and air transport is the third priority. Regarding road transport the focus is on the three proposals that have already completed the first reading in Parliament (cabotage, access to road transport and conditions for coach and bus operation).

Finally the fourth priority will be to advance the development of new technologies through the GALILEO and SESAR initiatives.