EMTA welcomes a new member: Athens Urban Transport Organization S.A. (OASA SA)

  • Updated2 November 2022
  • News

On 21 Oct 2022 at the Vienna General Meeting, OASA formally joined EMTA as a new member. AOSA is the public transport authority responsible for planning, coordinating, and financing the largest public transport system in Greece.

With nearly 120 staff, OASA coordinates the service provision by its subsidiary companies, the two transport operators STASY S.A and OSY S.A. In 2021, OASA recorded 287 million boardings and 139 million vehicle-kilometres.

OASA is involved in several EU projects. Through EBRT2030, it will develop zero emission Bus Rapid Transit with ‘opportunity charging’ between the centre of Athens and the coastline.

OASA carries through its predecessors a history of 140 years in urban passenger transport: an accumulated knowledge that could prove beneficial to all EMTA members.