Brief Report on the French Presidency of the EU

  • Updated30 January 2009
  • News

The French presidency of the EU ended on
31 December 2008, the Czech republic is
now holding the charge.

Not all subjects have made the foreseen
progress. Among the reached agreements :

The “Energy and Climate package” the
Council reached agreement on 11-12
December and the Parliament adopted the
proposal on first reading on 17 December
2008, the package contained:

  • a Directive on emission trading scheme
  • a Directive on share burden of reducing
    emissions in the sectors not covered by
    ETS (among others the transport sector),
  • a directive on carbon capture and
    storage CCS.

This package will embody the basis of the
European position at the world summit
on Climate change in Copenhagen end of

On the other hand, concerning the
revision proposal on the Directive
Eurovignette contained in the Greening
package, no consensus could be reached
and especially on the following topics: the
list of externalities that should be taken
into account, the scope of the future
Directive or the use of the related revenues.

Finally the Green Paper Action Plan has
been delayed sine die. In this context, the
Initiative Report of Gilles Savary chair of
the TRAN committee holds an even greater