ECMT-Stakeholder Consultation – Mitigating Congestion in Transport -1st February 2007

  • Updated14 January 2007
  • News

ECMT is undergoing a transition towards an International Transport Forum. It has been agreed that the Forum should involve more stakeholders in order to enable industry or other non-governmental bodies (and notably tranport authorities) to be part of the debate.

The Forum is focussing on one key strategic subject every year. This year 2007, the focus is on “the costs engendered by congestion and related system bottlenecks to the economy across sector”.

In preparation for the Ministerial debate on congestion in SOFIA in May 2007, ECMT is holding a Stakeholder Consultation on Mitigating congestion in Tranport 1st february 2007 in Paris.

EMTA has been invited to present the Transport Authorities point of view.

Draft Programme Paris