Transport authority


  • Updated24 June 2012
  • Montréal

Agence Métropolitaine de Transport



The Agence métropolitaine de transport’s mission is to expand public transit services in order to improve the efficiency of individual travel in the metropolitan Montréal area.

Its mandates are varied and complementary :

  • Planning, coordinating, integrating and promoting public transit services in close cooperation with our partners;
  • Operating the commuter rail network and the metropolitan bus network;
  • Taking an active part in improving the efficiency of transit lines with metropolitan vocation;
  • Planning and building any extensions to the Metro system.
  • Participating in financing the operation of services provided by 14 transport authorities in the region;
  • Managing the metropolitan fare system, which governs inter-system fare-setting for Montréal area public transit services by bus, train and metro, which are operated by 14 different organizations (the monthly TRAM pass, which allows users to travel on all the systems, also gives customers a discount of 15% to 25% compared to the purchase of several passes);
  • To support, develop, coordinate and promote special transportation services for persons with disabilities
  • Providing our partners with expertise and tools that address their many needs of financing and managing commuter considerations.

Organisation :

The Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT), which began operations on January 1, 1996, is a government agency for metropolitan transportation accountable to the Québec Minister of Transport. Its territory covers 83 municipalities and the Kahnawake Mohawk Reserve.

There are seven Directors on our Board: The government of Quebec appoints the Chairperson, who is also the President and CEO, as well as three people drawn from the socio-economic community. The Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) delegates three other members from the ranks of its constituent members, i.e. one Director from the City of Montréal, one from the City of Longueuil or Laval and one successively appointed from any of the other municipalities in the northern or southern suburbs of Montréal.

Our senior management: Paul Côté, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of the AMT (interim); Olivier Beauregard, Manager, Internal Auditing; Michel Fortier, Secretary-General, and Vice-President, Corporate, Legal and Real Estate; Patrice Daignault, Vice-President, Administration and Finance and Treasurer; Michel Veilleux, Vice-President, Planning and Innovation; Stéphane Lapierre Vice-President (interim) Operations; Tim Marinier, Vice-President Engineering and Construction; Pierre-Luc Paquette, Vice-President, Communications and Marketing; Daniel Randall, Vice-President, Safety; Daniel Bergeron, Vice-President, Information on Mobility and Metropolitan Transport.

– 83 municipalities located on the territory and the Kahnawake Mohawk Reserve
– 12 regional county municipalities (RCM)
– 2 agglomeration councils
– Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (Montréal Metropolitan Community)


  • Ministère des Finances du Québec (department of finance)
  • Ministère des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l’Occupation du territoire du Québec (department of municipal affairs, regions and land occupancy)
  • Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec (department of sustainable development, the environment and parks)
  • Quebec Treasury board
  • Transport Canada

Budget :

To finance its operating budget (223 million Euros in 2012), the AMT relies on eight sources of funding:

  • Government transfers: These come from the gasoline tax (0.023 Euros per litre of gasoline) and registration fees (23 Euros for vehicle registration) collected on the AMT’s territory. Objective: provide financial support for the metro, metropolitan bus and commuter train systems.
  • Revenues from metropolitan tickets and passes: The tickets and passes issued by the AMT, based on a concentric fare zone system, give users access to all public transit network within the region. Objective: collect revenues from these tickets and passes and redistribute them to the region’s transit organizations, proportionally to the distances travelled by users on each of the systems.
  • Revenues from commuter train users: The AMT collects revenues from TRAIN passes that give users access only to the commuter train system. Objective: partially finance the commuter train service.
  • Revenues from metropolitan express bus network users: The AMT collects revenues from tickets and passes used only on metropolitan express bus. Objective: partially finance the metropolitan express bus service.
  • Municipal contributions: The municipalities served by the commuter trains and metropolitan express bus contribute in proportion to the available services. Objective: participate in financing the available services.
  • Subsidies from the Quebec government: The Quebec government pays annual subsidies to the AMT. Objective: finance the debt service of the commuter trains and metropolitan equipment, as well as paratransit.
  • Resources from the transit organizations: The transit organizations that use the terminuses, reserved lanes and metropolitan ticket offices contribute an amount equal to 7.5% of the operating and management costs of these metropolitan equipments. Objective: allocate the costs of operating and managing metropolitan infrastructures.
  • Other revenues: The AMT receives related revenues such as interest income.

The Three-Year Capital Expenditure Plan (CEP) for 2011–2012–2013 represents development investments of 633 million Euros.
Certain projects involve commitments beyond 2013, totalling projected investments of 1,569 million Euros. Capital investments relate to the metro, commuter trains, metropolitan equipment and the areas of technological innovation, accessibility for people with restricted mobility, and safety and security.

Contacts :

Agence métropolitaine de transport
700, De La Gauchetière Ouest, 26th floor
Montréal (Québec), Canada, H3B 5M2
Tel. : 514 287-2464 Fax : 514 287-2460

Website :

Customer service : 514 287-8726 or 1 888 -702-8726